We Help Writers
High School Students
If you need good scores in TOEFL or IELTS, you will need good writing skills. We can help. We proofread your short essays and counsel you personally on why we made the changes we did so that you can improve your writing over time.
Many people who missed the opportunity to graduate from high school wisely take the GED as an adult. Passing the GED gives you the same credentials as a high school graduate and greatly expands your job opportunities. We offer tutoring services specifically for writing. We offer you the encouragement you need not only to pass the GED but to go on to community college or university as well.
Diligent high school students often find themselves taking courses for college credit while still in high school. We can give you the tips and feedback you need to write awesome papers while still in high school, and be ready for challenging assignments in college from Day One. We can even offer you writing assignments customized to your study program.
Do you attend a preparatory or private high school? While your school may offer an excellent curriculum and one on one tutoring, it is highly valuable and advisable to have an outside professional evaluate your work as well. It will make you more objective about your writing skills and could give you just that edge you need to get into the college or university you’ve been dreaming about.
College Students
Whether you are a native speaker of English or English is your second language, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having your term papers or thesis proofread. At Planet we do not engage in ‘ghostwriting.’ We use your ideas and points to edit your paper in order to make it intelligible and well constructed. Depending on the quality of your writing, we may offer you coaching or tutoring, but in most cases such services are unnecessary. We offer follow-up feedback on your paper free of charge: our goal is for college students to review the improvements we have made and through doing so become better writers. Having your term paper professionally proofread will result in a better grade, but overall it should help make you a better writer in the future. We encourage students not to look at proofreading as a ‘quick fix,’ but as supplementary education.
For those applying to graduate school, we offer tutoring for the GRE. Contact us for details!
International Students
International students especially need help in expressing themselves in writing. At Planet we have decades of experience in reading works by non-native speakers of English and we are highly adept at helping them to get the grammar and word choices needed to make their papers acceptable. We are happy to answer any questions that international students have about our editing and we will also ask you to clarify a point that we are unsure of. Whether you are still an ESL student or a graduate, at Planet you are in good hands. For those still working on their TOEFL or IELTS essay writing skills, we have a lot of experience in this area and got you covered!
Leave it to us to help you write a persuasive thesis. We will offer suggestions that best promote your paper’s aim, and be in direct communication with you every step of the way. Let us help you keep your paper up to speed with the writing of your peers.
At Planet we specialize in proofreading academic and research papers for publication, but we also help clients with virtually every type of written form or document. We can make your CV more compelling, your application letter stands out from the rest, and your cover letter look appealing and professional. We proofread applications, invitations, introductions, references- you name it! No job is too small or too big.
Technical Writing and Research Papers
Do you have a medical or engineering paper you need to proofread? No problem! We have decades of experience. At Planet we specialize in proofreading academic research papers and we have hundreds of proofread papers now in publication in dozens of academic journals. You have already spent countless hours of hard work in research in order to promote your ideas and further your influence in your field. Leave it to us to make sure that your paper comes across as professional and persuasive when you submit it for publication.
At Planet we have years of experience in proofreading and editing:
- Medical research and presentations
- Logistics and engineering research
- Legal documents and court cases
- IT and digital technology research
- Solar and wind power generation
- Energy efficiency and production infrastructure
- Communications and organizational psychology
- Product introduction strategy and information technology
and much more!
GREEN FLASH! At Planet we are 100% committed to eco-friendly products and services, and to promoting sustainable energy. In fact, it is our passion and what we live for! We offer 10% discounts on all papers that promote green technologies.
At Planet we offer professional, in house translations in the following languages:
- Japanese to English
- English to Japanese
- Chinese to English
- English to Chinese
- Japanese to Chinese
- Chinese to Japanese
- Spanish to English
- English to Spanish
For all other languages, we assist clients in contracting with our peers and colleagues and introducing them to outside professionals. We do not charge any fees for this service or take any percentages.